Thursday, February 16, 2012

New Floors . . .

The finishing of the drywall prompted the beginning of the next "big" interior house project . . . NEW FLOORS. In this case, we again opted for professional installation since we purchased a vinyl product that comes in 12 ft wide rolls. Last week we received word that the installation had gone well and that we could move back in at anytime. Gary was quickly ready to move all of our mattresses and couches over to the cabin. With a loan of Dad's trailer and a little help in loading . . . we left for Whidbey looking like the Beverly Hill Billys. Luckily everything made it to the cabin with no adventures on the way.

We picked out a warm maple pattern to accent our wood ceiling and opted for the "new" vinyl, which gives us durability and water resistance in one fell swoop. The results . . . lovely, lovely, lovely!!

Girls bedroom all decked out!

Our bedroom with a view of the blue door

Bathroom - most changed in the house with floors

Kitchen - wood floors adding that extra something!!

Living Room - ahh ahh ahh!!

The girls eating nook - improved!

The floors have added a whole new finished dimension to the cabin. I just love not worrying about water splatters and so far the floor seems to hide sand/dirt rather well. Its all coming together.

Now we just have lots of little projects ahead -- baseboard trim, window trim, bedroom headboards, moving in the dining room table, finishing up the kitchen and lighting!! Oh what exciting things to look forward to. I promise in future post, once we get everything situated, to do a really bang up before and after of each room.